Madame was born 17th of January 2013. She was named after Madame de Pompadour, who was Louis XV of France's most famous mistresses and had great political influence at the court. Madame de Pompadour was the perfect lady of the world and her goal was to play a key role in the history.
Madame was our third dog from Kraina Zeusa and has lived with us as part of our breeding cooperation with Kennel Kraina Zeusa.
Madame was a daughter of OPUS TO MARGARITA NIGRA iz Bolshogo Doma and GRZECHU Warta Duch Wrzosowisk. She was from a litter of 11 stunning puppies from Kraina Zeusa's M-litter. Her siblings live round the world and are very successful.
She was a very graceful girl. She was well-built with strong limbs and a compact body. She had a beautiful and well-shaped head. She was smart, happy, playful and very loving.
Madame has participated in Rally O (obedience training) and has ben a therapy dog at LÆSEHUNDE. LÆSEHUNDE is where a therapy dog helps children with reading disabilities to gain or regain the joy of reading.
For the last two years she has lived with great-grandmother, Bodil and her partner-in-crime, Pandora.
After a short illness we lost Madame. Madame became 8.2 years.